Weigh Before You Are Weighed

In this world, every single thing has two forms: an external form, and an inner form. Here, in this world, it is possible for everyone to nurse all sorts of evils inside but to speak beautiful words and present a very charming exterior. The Day of Judgment will arrive in order to put an end to this difference between the external and the internal. The Day of Judgment will tear apart all external veils, pulling off the shells under which people conceal their true selves, exposing their inner realities.

What an astounding Day that will be, when the veils that now conceal these realities will be lifted! How many people who today are ensconced in the seats of justice will, on that Day, be seen standing in the criminal’s dock! How many of those who today are considered to be Very Important People or VIPs, will, on that Day, be seen as even more lowly than worms and spiders! How many people who today seem to have a smart reply for everything, will, on that Day, be struck totally dumb!

Here, in this world, it is possible for someone to torment someone else even while being considered a great religious leader. He may be engaged in doing everything possible to garner name and fame, and yet may be widely known as a great ‘crusader for Islam’. He may be abjectly unjust in his dealings with others and yet be invited to preside over grand conferences about peace and justice. He may have no room for God in his personal life, but yet in public may have achieved renown as a great flag-bearer of religion. He may have no compassion and concern whatsoever for the oppressed and no desire to help them, and yet he may be touted about in the media as their most vociferous supporter.

God knows everyone’s reality. But in this world, He keeps people’s realities concealed from everyone. In the Hereafter, He will reveal everyone’s reality. The time is coming when everyone will be measured in God’s measuring scales, which will reveal what everyone’s reality truly is.

This Day of Judgment will definitely come – it has been decreed by God. No one can delay it, and nor can anyone save himself from it. He alone will be truly successful on that day who today itself, in this very world, stands in the scales of God, because otherwise the only fate he will meet with in the Hereafter is utter devastation.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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