Heed the Words of the
Caller to Truth

The Bible quotes Jesus Christ as providing a wonderful parable about a person who calls others toward God, and those to whom he calls:

“To what shall I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others, ‘We played the flute for you, and you didn’t dance. We sang a funeral song, and you didn’t mourn.’” (Matthew 11:16-17)

The caller to truth swims in God’s ocean, and so he is able to sing God’s song, to strum God’s eternal melody on the musical instrument that is Nature. In that melody, there are flashes of God’s beauty and perfection. The one who listens to it falls into a dance. But the melody also warns us that God is watching us, and that we will be answerable to Him for all our actions. It causes the sensitive person to quake and burst into tears.

The caller to truth is an expression of God’s beauty and majesty. But man is so negligent that he does not learn anything from this at all. He does not let it affect him. In the words of the caller to truth, God comes very close to man, but even at that moment he does not find God. Man is not driven into a state of being overwhelmed, into bursting into song in praise of God. Nor do his eyes moisten with the fear of God. Even if he cares to hear the most sensitive message, it as if he is a rock, refusing to use his God-given mind to deeply ponder on such matters or to let his heart be stirred by them.

Someone who calls people to God is not like a record that plays on a music machine. He stirs such an upheaval in the soul whose intensity is more than a volcano. When the caller to God speaks, he expresses his innermost self. When he writes something, it is with the ink of his own blood. His songs are the sound of a divine earthquake that convulses the human soul. But it is perhaps the strangest thing in the world that even such divine words have no effect on people.

The caller to truth openly warns man of the coming Day of Judgment. Yet, man chooses to remain blind and deaf. The caller to truth opens the windows of Heaven, as it were, to man, but, still, man does not break into a dance. The caller to truth shows him images of the leaping fires of Hell, but yet man does not burst into tears. Even if God were to stand in front of Him, man does not prostrate before Him.

God did not make a more delicate creature than man. Yet, no one gives more proof of insensitivity than him.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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