Deception Everywhere
Today’s world is a world of deception. People glibly use slogans to advance their own perceived interests in the name of serving humanity or their community. Everyone seems to have become an expert in deploying words to seek to justify their oppressive ways in the name of truth and justice. Just about everyone seems to know how to quote the law in such a way as to pass off their crimes as innocence.
This is the condition of people who worship the world. But the condition of many of those who seem to be worshippers of God is no different. They have invented beliefs and practices in order to pass off their irreligiousness as piety.
People have discovered a God who, so they believe, one does not need to fear. They have found a Prophet, who, so they think, has come only so that he can definitely intercede for them with God, despite all their misdeeds. They have won such a Hereafter which, so they imagine, is for them alone, with Hell supposedly being only for others. They have obtained a form of worship that is, so they believe, compatible with arrogance and jealousy. They have come to know about a form of fasting that is, so they presume, not voided by lies and oppression. They have got such a religion in hand that is only a subject of debate and heated discussion, and not something to be practised. They have found out a recipe for Islamic activism, that is actually a quest for personal leadership and communal political advancement in the guise of Islam.
But fake gold is believed to be gold only so long as it is not tested with a touchstone. Likewise, all this deception can continue only till God sets up His scales of justice. Today, a person enjoys freedom, in order that he can be tested. For the time being, he can do what he wants. But when this period of testing is finished, he will find himself utterly helpless. He will want to speak, but words will fail him. He will want to flee, but he will find it impossible to.
This will be the day of truth. On that day, the garb of deception that people have donned will be taken away, and people will be revealed to be as they truly are. Taking advantage of the freedom they now enjoy, which has been given to them in order to test them, they have concealed their reality. But on that day, their reality will be fully exposed. A person’s reality is fully known to God even now, of course, but on the Day of Judgment it will be laid bare before him.