Limitations of the Present World

It was a beautiful July morning. The sun had not yet risen, but streaks of light in the vast expanse of the sky announced that it was about to make its appearance. The sun’s rays peeped out from behind the clouds that had bunched up on the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant colours. The verdant green of the trees, the chattering of the birds and the delicate morning breeze added to the beauty of the moment, and I found myself uttering these words:

This world of God’s is limitlessly meaningful. But it becomes limitlessly meaningless when the Hereafter is not joined with it.

This world is amazingly delightful, but its delights do not remain for more than a few moments. The world is stunningly beautiful, but the eyes that see its beauty very soon lose their light and sight. People desperately crave for respect and happiness in this world, but they have not fully acquired these when the law of degeneration comes into play. This world has everything that people want, but it is not possible for them to get all of this here, even for the person who seems to have everything.

A human being is a perfect creation, but his tragedy is that, along with this, he is a victim of various types of limitations. He is surrounded by various unfavourable conditions. Human life, despite being perfect, remains meaningless until a person enters a world that is free from every type of limitation and unfavourable condition.

God has made this perfect and eternal world in the form of Heaven. But no one can gain entrance into the world of Heaven just like that. The price of that perfect world to come is this present, imperfect world. One who can sacrifice this present world for the world to come alone will enter that heavenly world in the life after death. One who is not willing to make this sacrifice will also enter a world after death – but not the joyous and delightful world of Heaven, but, rather a world of eternal misery and despair.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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