The Spirit of Salah

The spirit of these five daily prayers is humility. One who bows before his Creator in the true spirit will be devoid of pride and ego. The prayers are prescribed five times throughout the day—at daybreak, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and evening. The prayers consist of recitations from the Quran and the glorification of God. A sequence of movements accompanies these: standing, bowing, kneeling, touching the ground with one’s forehead, and sitting. Worshippers face the Kabah while offering prayers.

Muslims have been advised in the Quran to be steadfast in their prayer (29:45), for prayer keeps away indecency and evil. One who performs his prayer in its true spirit cannot become forgetful of God after his prayer is over. The actions of prayer manifest the fact that one’s heart is full of fear and love for God. Therefore, if prayers are said in their true spirit, one’s prayer will surely fend off indecency and evil and bring him closer to God by purifying the worshipper’s soul.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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