The Makkan leaders sat in the compound of the Kabah. They were, without exception, the worst types of criminals. Therefore, even if all of them were to be put to death, the punishment would have been fully justified. However, the Prophet, being of a noble character, did not act against them. On the contrary, he pardoned them all, saying: “Go, you are all free.” (Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah - Ibn Hisham, Vol. 2, p. 412)

The Makkan idolaters could hardly believe their ears. This excellent treatment of the fallen foe won all hearts, including those of the most bitter enemies of Islam. After their hearts were conquered, the Makkan idolaters had no choice but to embrace Islam. All the insolent Makkans surrendered and joined the Prophet in his mission as companions. All opposition had just vanished.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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