The Message of the Quran

The Quran is the book of God. Therefore, preserved in its original form, the Quran is a reliable source of divine guidance.

There are 114 chapters in the Quran. Everything laid down in the Quran can be summed up thus: an individual should believe in the one God and hold himself accountable to Him alone. He should discover that the Prophet Muhammad was a messenger who conveyed God’s guidance to humanity.

The Quran is a sacred book sent by God for everyone. It is a book for all because God, the Creator of all humanity, has sent it.

The Quran is not the only revealed book. It is, in effect, a preserved version of the previous divine books brought by different prophets who came before Prophet Muhammad. In this sense, the Quran is a book for all human beings and all nations. The Quran manifests God’s mercy for all. It is the message of God sent by Him for everyone. The Quran is a light of guidance for the whole world, just as the sun is a source of light and heat for the entire world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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