Now that there was peace, the Prophet took full advantage of its opportunities. He sent his companions with letters to the rulers and kings of countries right next to or very close to Arabia. The companions delivered these letters to Iran, Byzantium, Abyssinia, Egypt and the rulers of Syria. These letters contained the basic teachings of Islam, and the rulers were invited to accept Islam.

Some of them, like Negus, the ruler of Abyssinia, accepted Islam, while others rejected it, but they accepted the letters graciously and sent presents to the Prophet. Only the Emperor of Iran, Khusro Parvez, tore up the Prophet’s message in his arrogance. He considered it below his dignity to accept such a letter. When the Prophet received this news, he said: “The Emperor of Persia has himself torn his Kingdom into pieces.” (Al-Bidāya wan Nihāya, Vol. 6, p. 485) This prediction was fulfilled during the rule of Caliph Umar when Iran came under Muslim rule.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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