The People of Paradise

The Prophet of Islam was asked what counted as more important for a person to find a place in Paradise. The Prophet replied: “Fearing God and having the best moral character.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2004)

The greatest success for a person is that he should lead such a life in this world that when he dies, he finds a place in Paradise where he will have a life of eternal happiness. The secret of this successful life has been explained in this tradition.

The essential things in this connection are the acceptance of the greatness of God, remaining ever mindful of Him and regarding oneself as accountable to Him, believing that one cannot save oneself from God’s chastisement, for all one’s deeds, open or hidden, are in the knowledge of God, and that no strategy can save oneself from standing before God after death.

The whole life of one convinced of this truth changes. The permissiveness of his life is replaced with restraint. In all matters, he avoids irresponsible behaviour, which obviates egoism, arrogance and other feelings. On all issues, he becomes an obedient servant of God.

Another quality of a God-fearing person is that he comes to possess a heavenly character. He starts leading his life in this world just as the people of Paradise will live in the Hereafter. In his heart, he cherishes feelings of well-wishing for everyone.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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