After stabilising the situation in Arabia, the Prophet set out to perform Hajjatul Wida, his Farewell Pilgrimage. It was the last year of his life. He left Madinah for Makkah accompanied by Madinan Muslims. When the news spread that the Prophet would perform the pilgrimage, various tribes living in Arabia began pouring into Makkah.

Therefore, when the Prophet of Islam performed his first as well as his last pilgrimage, he was joined by 1,25,000 Muslims. During this pilgrimage, he was given revelations about the rules of the Hajj. All Muslims follow them to this day. When the Prophet arrived at Mount Arafat, he gave his words of wisdom to the people present. These teachings are preserved in the form of the ‘Farewell Sermon’.

During the Sermon of Arafat, the last passage of the Quran was revealed:

“Today I have completed your religion for you and completed My blessing upon you. I have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (5:3)

This proved to be the Prophet’s last visit. That is why it came to be called the “Farewell Pilgrimage”. Only three months after returning to Madinah, he fell ill and stayed in Aishah’s house with the consent of his wives. He had fever and headache. He remained ill for about two weeks and breathed his last on 12 Rabiul Awwal 10 AH. He continued leading prayers till he became too weak to go to the mosque. However, before his death, he said his last prayer in the Masjid-e-Nabawi and made Abu Bakr, his closest companion, the Imam of this prayer. This was a clear sign that he wanted Abu Bakr to succeed him as the leader of the believers.

The Prophet Muhammad became ill in the 11th year after the hijra and died several days later (8 June 632 AD). He was 63 years old when he died. Prophet Muhammad did not leave anything for his family. Instead, he left the Quran that was revealed to him in preserved form, his teachings and his sublime character, which is called khuluqin azim in the Quran (68:4). These are invaluable sources of knowledge and wisdom for the believers.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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