The material world, governed directly by the Creator, operates under a flawless cosmic order, with zero-defect management from the outset. In contrast, in the human world, where individuals implement their plans—such as in industry—a zero-defect management system remains elusive. 

During World War II (1939-1945), the concept of Zero Defect Management emerged. Numerous articles and books were published on this topic, and soon, the idea spread rapidly in developed countries. Several nations, such as the United States and Japan, attempted to implement this concept on a large scale. However, after extensive experience, it was concluded that achieving zero defects in management was impossible. You can read more about this topic, for example, in the article The Concept of Zero Defects in Quality Management by Chandana Das.


In modern times, industrially developed countries have made extensive efforts to establish zero-defect management. A substantial amount of research has been conducted, and books have been written on the subject. Throughout most of the twentieth century, this work continued, yet the goal remained elusive, even though the most advanced nations, like the United States and Japan, participated. At the same time, modern scientific studies have shown that the system of nature is established with a remarkable level of precision—for example, the orbits of stars and planets. If you want to know the exact time the sun will rise and set tomorrow, you can accurately calculate it today.

On one hand, human experience shows that the concept of zero-defect management in the human world has completely failed. On the other hand, in the material world, excluding humans, this concept exists in full. For example, if you want to know the sunrise and sunset times on April 15, 2025, you can accurately determine that on April 15, 2025, in Delhi, the sunrise and sunset times will be as follows:

Sunrise: 05:56

Sunset: 18:46

The times of sunrise and sunset can be calculated with the same accuracy for any place in the world. Similarly, the entire system of the material world runs with perfect precision. The science of the material world, known as astronomy, physics, chemistry, and so on, can record data from thousands of years ago to thousands of years into the future without any discrepancy. No difference has ever been recorded in this world’s functioning.

Consider that the material world, which operates directly under the Creator’s management, has followed the principle of zero-defect management from the beginning. In contrast, in the human world, where people implement their plans, such as in industry, the zero-defect management system could not be established despite intense efforts. On one side, observe Divine Management in space, which continuously operates on the principle of zero defects; on the other side, look at Human Management, where, despite almost a century of continuous effort, zero-defect management could not be achieved. To gain more insight into the human management experience on this matter, you may refer to the article available on the internet.

Zero Defects, a term coined by Mr. Philip Crosby in his book “Absolutes of Quality Management,” has emerged as a popular and highly-regarded concept in quality management—so much so that Six Sigma is adopting it as one of its major theories.

Unfortunately, the concept has also faced a fair degree of criticism, with some arguing that a state of zero defects cannot exist. Others have worked hard to prove the naysayers wrong, pointing out that  “zero defects”  in quality management doesn’t literally mean perfection but rather refers to a state where waste is eliminated and defects are reduced. This means ensuring the highest quality standards for projects. What Do We Mean by Zero Defects: From a literal standpoint, it’s pretty obvious that attaining zero defects is technically not possible in any sizable or complex manufacturing project.

Now, apply the well-known formula to this two-way experience: “Things are understood by their opposites” or “It is in comparison that you understand.”

The Quran alludes in various verses to the idea of comparing the system that human beings establish in this world to the broader system governing the rest of the universe. A comparative study of both reveals a fundamental difference between the two realms. In the human world, despite all efforts, a system of zero-defect management has not been achieved. It has come to be accepted that achieving such perfection within human systems is not possible. On the other hand, in the material world established by God, this concept of flawless order has existed with remarkable accuracy throughout history.

When this contrast is evaluated through the formula as mentioned earlier, it becomes evident—based on human experience itself—that the Owner of this universe is a higher being, namely Allah, the Lord of all worlds. The difference between human society and the realm of the exact sciences serves as definitive proof of God’s existence. This is the truth articulated in the Quran in these words:

“He created seven heavens, one above the other in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of the Gracious One. Then look once again: can you see any flaw? Then look again and again. Your gaze will come back to you confused and exhausted.” (67:3-4)

Similarly, another Quranic verse states:

“Have they not observed the sky above them and marked how We have built it and adorned it, leaving no flaws in it?” (50:6)

In modern times, the discovery of this flawless cosmic order reinforces one of the attributes of God, the Lord of all worlds, namely:

“God: there is no deity save Him, the Living, the Eternal One. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belong whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth.” (2:255)

Every component of the vast universe which God controls functions under the zero-defect laws. Besides the world of man, the rest of the universe is a zero-defect universe. This is because man is on test in this world for which God Almighty has given him freedom. Due to the exigencies of trial, the ideal, zero-defect world cannot be established in this world. Man will only find the zero-defect world--Paradise-- in the Hereafter after death.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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