God has hidden the Hereafter from human perception, leaving it for humanity to uncover—to transform the unseen into observable reality. This discovery or unveiling is known as faith.
For human beings, the most crucial element is discovery. It is through discovery that progress in this world is achieved, as well as advancement in the Hereafter. The ideal human being, according to the Quran, believes in the unseen. The relevant words in the Quran are:
“Those who believe in the unseen...” ( 2:3).
What does it mean to believe in the unseen? In other words, it is to make the unknown known—essentially, the process that is referred to today as discovery.
God has concealed the secrets of worldly progress within the heavens and the earth. These secrets are referred to as the laws of nature. In science, these secrets (or laws of nature) are discovered. The nation that uncovers these secrets advances beyond others, as we currently observe in Western nations or Japan within Asia. Developed countries have achieved all their progress based on these discoveries.
Similarly, God has concealed the Hereafter from human sight. Now, it is up to humanity to discover it—to bring what is hidden into observable reality. This discovery or unveiling is known as faith. The more a person advances in this faith, the greater their progress and success in the Hereafter will be.