Modern technologies such as the remote control provide clear evidence of divine governance over the universe, demonstrating that God’s control spans the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Remote Control

In the modern era, one of the new words added to the human lexicon is “remote control,” which means to control something from a distance without any physical interface.

Today, many situations have arisen where signals or messages cannot be sent via wires, such as with moving vehicles like aeroplanes or spacecraft. In such cases, remote control or radio control is employed to operate the machine as desired.

In these situations, signals are sent in coded form. The relevant machine has a receiver that is always active to receive signals at the desired frequency. This method has become widely used in various tasks today.

The technique of remote control has developed to the extent that instructions are sent to machines orbiting in space from the ground with great precision, and they are monitored accordingly. If any malfunction occurs within them, they can be corrected from the ground using radio waves without any physical medium.

Telecontrol System to Keep a Watch

Tokyo, June 26, 1985 (Kyodo)

Do you want your curtains to open and close at home while you are on vacation? Or to ensure that the front door is locked? Or turn on the air conditioner just before you get home? You can do it all by telephone with Japanese-made home automation equipment.

“Telecontrol systems” can be hooked up to many appliances, including air conditioners, electric locks, rice cookers, and lights. The new home automation products also include security systems to guard against fire or theft through electronic sensors, multi-function “intelligent” telephones for telecommunications, and intercoms linking rooms. The telecontrol system allows the user to turn appliances on or off and to check for fire leaks or theft with special sensors that send coded signals through a push-button telephone. (The Hindustan Times, New Delhi, June 27, 1985, p.17)

Steering by Satellite

Nineteenth-century clipper-ship captains looked to the stars to steer their course. Many modern skippers rely on Loran, a land-based navigation system using radio waves. However, Loran has definite limitations: the system’s radio transmission sunsets. In the future, many high-tech ships will chart their paths using an advanced navigational method called GPS.

The system, developed by the U.S. military, will consist of a global network of 18 satellites. Using a $25,000 receiver and a special antenna, ships can pick up coded radio signals transmitted by the four closest GPS satellites. The timing of the signals indicates the location of the vessel. With such a system, modern sailors may seldom stray off course. (Newsweek, September 16, 1985, p. 5)

The remote control system is a material manifestation of a deeper, spiritual reality. It serves as a practical example of how God controls the vast universe directly and operates it according to His will. While remote control by radio is a human invention, it has made a greater divine reality comprehensible to us.

Do you wish that when you are away on vacation, you could still open and close your home curtains? Or ensure, while away, that your front door is locked? Similarly, do you want to be able to turn on your home air conditioner before you arrive back?

You can accomplish all of these tasks by installing Japanese-made automated devices in your home, allowing you to manage everything via telephone while your house is empty.

This mechanical system is called a telecontrol system. It can be connected to various household items, including air conditioners, electric locks, pressure cookers, and lights.

The new automated home devices also include many additional features, such as electrical systems for protection against fire or theft. Likewise, there are “intelligent” telephones for remote communication and intercom systems that link different rooms.

With the telecontrol system, you can turn electrical appliances on or off, detect fires, identify gas leaks, or monitor for theft with specific devices that send messages in coded form.

God controls the universe while remaining outside of it; He is not present within the universe like a limited human being. This was once merely a belief, but today, it has become a reality that we can easily comprehend through our known experiences. The telecontrol system mentioned serves as a preliminary demonstration of this event at the level of a household, akin to how God has established this control on a grander scale throughout the universe.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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