Seek something new each day, for discovery breathes life into the soul. It is the key to the mind’s evolution. A life devoid of discovery is akin to a body bereft of its soul.

Spirituality and realisation are not static; they are like a tree, a continuously evolving entity. The truth is that the human mind possesses limitless potential. The universe of facts outside the human mind is also unlimited.

In such a situation, anyone who keeps their mind continuously alert and reflects with focus will discover new truths every day, even every moment. For them, the treasure of discoveries will never run dry.

Just as material food sustains the body, spiritual discoveries nourish the soul of knowledge. Continuous material nourishment guarantees the life of the body, and similarly, continuous spiritual discoveries ensure a person’s life and evolution in knowledge and spirituality.

This discovery can be viewed as an intellectual process. The conditions for keeping this process ongoing are only two: reflection and protecting oneself from distractions.

Anyone who possesses these two qualities will undoubtedly become a person of discovery. After that, nothing will prevent them from reaching discoveries.

Discovery is the life of the soul; it is a means of evolution for the mind. Discovery completes a human being. A person without discovery is like a body without a soul.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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