The journey of life is never a smooth path. Life is filled with accidents and hardships that impact both individuals and nations. This is a system established by the Creator. Avoid complaining and focus on finding solutions and persevere despite challenges. It is the only path to success.

In Al-Risala (March 1988), there is mention of a Japanese engineer, Shogo Katakura, whom I met in the Maldives. In response to one of my questions, he said that Japan’s geographic conditions have instilled in the Japanese a mindset of constantly seeking new ideas. Frequent changes in weather, along with recurring earthquakes and storms, repeatedly present new challenges. This compels the Japanese to think of ways to adapt to changing conditions continually.

This situation has made the quest for new ideas a permanent trait among the Japanese. This same mindset helped them rebuild after the devastation of World War II. After the war, they reassessed their situation in light of the new conditions, formulated fresh plans, and achieved even greater success. An American author described this Japanese trait by saying they became “the masters of change rather than the victims.”

The journey of life is never a smooth path. Life is filled with accidents and hardships that impact both individuals and nations. This is a system established by the Creator, and there is no way to avoid it.

In such circumstances, there is only one path to success: to persist despite difficulties. One must have the courage to reach their destination despite the thorns and stones along the way.

Refrain from complaining about the changes in circumstances. Instead, think of new solutions that are in line with the new conditions, and you will always remain successful.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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