True progress is achieved by those who can endure temporary setbacks and persevere. Often, one must first face loss to achieve success ultimately.

Today, Japan is unanimously recognized as an economic superpower. Traditionally, military strength was what defined a nation as a superpower, but Japan has demonstrated that a nation can achieve superpower status through economic growth. Moreover, while a nation reliant on the military might eventually reach a limit in maintaining its power, there is no such limit for an economic superpower.

How did Japan become an economic superpower? Japan did not achieve this status through slogans or demands; rather, it did so through quiet, sustained effort. A vital component of this silent effort was Japan’s initial acceptance of humble status, which eventually led it to a greater position. A report by Tokyo-based journalist Mr. Subhash Chakravarty, published in The Times of India, provides an insightful observation:

“Japan, having long recognized the U.S. as the most important external actor in Asia, is seeking to share power and influence with it without compromising Japan’s self-interests or ambitions.” (The Times of India, April 27, 1990, page 8)

For a long period, Japan acknowledged the U.S. as the most significant external player in Asia. Now, the time has come for Japan to seek a share in power and influence alongside the U.S. without compromising its interests or aspirations.

This reflects the principle of progress in today’s world: to become great, one must first accept a lesser role. To gain dominance, one must initially embrace subordination. Advancement is destined for those who endure the step back before moving forward—here, losing comes first, and only then does one attain.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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