Only a positive personality will find entry into the ideal world of Paradise in the Hereafter. Such a personality looks at the positive in everything. He finds opportunities for growth where others only see destruction. He extracts positive lessons from negative experiences.

What is the description of a positive personality who can be found deserving of Paradise in the world Hereafter? The following example of a Japanese person helps us understand this. An Indian man had the opportunity to visit Japan for the first time. During a conversation with his Japanese host, he said sympathetically:

“America treated your people very unfairly. It dropped the first atomic bombs in history on your country, reducing two of your cities to rubble.”

This question could have provoked the Japanese to react. However, the Japanese host replied calmly:

“Not at all. Those bombs turned out to be a blessing in disguise for us. Before the war, these cities—Hiroshima and Nagasaki—were built in an outdated manner, with narrow, winding streets, dilapidated houses, and unhygienic neighbourhoods. Under normal circumstances, it would have been impossible to rebuild them in a modern way. But when the war completely wiped them off the map, we were presented with an opportunity. We seized it and rebuilt these cities as modern, well-planned urban centres.”

This is the essence of positive thinking: finding opportunities for growth and renewal even in the face of destruction. The response of the Japanese can make us understand what a true positive character is. He does not live in complaints. He looks for the positive in everything. He finds opportunities for growth where others only see destruction. He extracts positive lessons from negative experiences. Only people with such completely positive character will find entry into Paradise, The Home of Peace (Quran, 10: 25) in the Hereafter.

Only positive personalities will enter the ideal world of Paradise. They see the good in everything, find growth in adversity, and learn from negative experiences.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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