What Should Be Your Feelings When You Do a Good Deed

On the Day of Judgment, all divisions will be erased. The difference between rich and poor will be removed. The difference between big and small will be gone. Black and white will be the same. All the differences on the basis of which people discriminate in this world will be removed on that Day. When you see someone who is poor, sick, handicapped, weak, you are reminded that you will also be in a similar condition. This feeling overwhelms you so much that you immediately reach out to help that person. Why? So that God may help me on that Day, give me food when I am hungry and support me when I am helpless. This is an example of intention or spirit behind a deed.

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The first tradition cited by Imam Bukhari in his Book is: إِنَّمَا الأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ. (Actions depend upon intention) Sahih al-Bukhari 1.

The outer aspect of our deeds in this world will not be considered by God. God will only consider the intention or the spirit behind our actions. Whether you state the creed of Islam, or offer prayer, perform Hajj, give money in charity, this is true for every good deed. There is always an outer aspect of the deed. But your rank in God's eyes will not depend on this outer aspect. What was the spirit behind your charity, what was the intention behind it? That is important. For example, the Quran says:  (23.60) (Those who give to others what has been bestowed upon them with their hearts trembling)  The Quran also says: إِنَّمَا نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللَّهِ لَا نُرِيدُ مِنْكُمْ جَزَاءً وَلَا شُكُورًا , إِنَّا نَخَافُ مِنْ رَبِّنَا يَوْمًا عَبُوسًا قَمْطَرِيرًا (76.9-10) (We feed you for the sake of God alone, we seek neither recompense nor thanks from you. Truly, we fear from our Lord a woefully grim Day)  When you give money in charity, what were your feelings? Your feelings shouldn’t be that you are rich and so you are helping the poor. You shouldn’t think that I helped a poor person because I am rich. Instead on seeing the poor person, you are reminded of your condition before God Almighty. The Day is about to come when everyone will be needy before God. On the Day of Judgment, all divisions will be erased. The difference between rich and poor will be removed. The difference between big and small will be gone. Black and white will be the same. All the differences on the basis of which people discriminate in this world will be removed on that Day. When you see someone who is poor, sick, handicapped, weak, you are reminded that you will also be in a similar condition. This feeling overwhelms you so much that you immediately reach out to help that person. Why? So that God may help me on that Day, give me food when I am hungry and support me when I am helpless. This is an example of intention or spirit behind a deed.

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