Grow Like the Tree

The tree serves as a unique model. It takes provision from the whole environment. It takes nourishment from the earth, soil, air and the sun. Then it grows. It begins as a tiny seed, as a small plant, which keeps growing until it becomes a big tree. It doesn’t clash with anyone. With utmost silence, it takes food from the whole  world around it. In the same way, a believing person has to complete his personality and undertake personality development, without clashing with or usurping from anyone. It is such people who will find a place in Paradise.

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The Quran likens a believer to a good tree. (14.24) One who believes in God and has faith in Him is like a good tree. What is a tree? The tree serves as a unique model. It takes provision from the whole environment. It takes nourishment from the earth, soil, air and the sun. Then it grows. It begins as a tiny seed, as a small plant, which keeps growing until it becomes a big tree. It doesn’t clash with anyone. With utmost silence, it takes food from the whole  world around it. In the same way, a believing person has to complete his personality and undertake personality development, without clashing with or usurping from anyone. It is such people who will find a place in Paradise.

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