Dear Readers,
The Spirit of Islam magazine, published bimonthly, is an inspiring beacon of spiritual enlightenment based on the profound writings of the esteemed Islamic scholar Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, a recipient of numerous national and international awards. This publication reaches a diverse readership from various walks of life, each finding unique spiritual benefits within its pages.

We invite you to share your impressions, reviews, and the spiritual guidance you have derived from this magazine. Your insights and experiences not only enrich the magazine but also inspire others on their spiritual journeys. The best two pieces of writing will be featured in each issue, offering you a platform to share your voice and contribute to our collective understanding.

What to Share?

  1. Personal Reflections: How has the Spirit of Islam influenced your spiritual growth? Share your journey and the impact of the magazine on your daily life.
  2. Reviews: Provide your thoughtful reviews on specific articles, issues, or themes. What resonated with you the most? How did it challenge or deepen your understanding of Islam?
  3. Spiritual Benefits: Describe the practical benefits you have gained from the magazine. How have the teachings of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan helped you in your personal or professional life?
  4. Guidance and Insights: Offer any guidance or insights that you believe could benefit other readers. How can we collectively implement the principles shared in the magazine to improve our lives and communities?

Submission Guidelines

    • Word Limit: Aim for concise and impactful pieces within 150-200 words.
    • Format: Submit your entries via email to spiritofislamperiodical@, including your name, contact information, and a brief introduction about yourself.

Your contributions are invaluable. We eagerly await your submissions and look forward to featuring the most inspiring and insightful pieces in our upcoming issues. Let us come together to share the light of wisdom and the spirit of Islam with one another.

Warm regards,
**The Editorial Team**
Spirit of Islam Magazine


Success is only for those who
save themselves from evil,
who are able to differentiate
between right and wrong and
who lead a life of modesty and
self- restraint.

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