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Name of the book: Quranic Wisdom

Author: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

No. of pages: 352

ISBN: 9789351790518

Reviewed  by  Md.  Mekail  Ahmed, Writer & Researcher.

As hard as it is to write a book, writing a book review by a well- known author is much more difficult. If the book is by a famous writer like Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, then the task becomes more formidable. He has written his ‘Quranic Wisdom’ book so beautifully that I am reading it again and again with fascination.

The book ‘Quranic Wisdom’ is a masterpiece for those who want to read the Quran, understand the true meaning of the Quran, dive into the sea of knowledge of the Quran and extract gems and pearls, and those who want to strengthen their faith. About 185 different topics are discussed in this book. It seems to me that reading the book once is not enough, but it is necessary to read it again and again to uncover the hidden secrets of the Quran. ‘Quranic Wisdom’ is such a precious gem that will clear the doubts of the skeptics about the Holy Quran with ease. The book answers various questions that may be raised by readers. I think reading the book ‘Quranic Wisdom’ will open the eyes and ears of the readers enabling them to see the wonders of God. This book offers invaluable help to know about the world of creation, mystery of creation, spiritual matters of Almighty God.

After one of my books was published by an Indian publishing house, I regularly visited Indian book selling sites to know the readership of my book in India. Whenever I visit Indian e-commerce sites Amazon, Flipkart, some of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s books float in front of my eyes. I kept two books on my wish list: Quranic Wisdom, Leading A Spiritual Life.

I was very interested in reading these books.  But it is very difficult to bring books from India to Bangladesh with high courier charges. Not all books by Indian authors are available in Bangladesh. I used to submit articles regularly in a reputed English magazine called ‘Islamic Voice’ published monthly from Bengaluru. As they appreciated my writings, I was also encouraged to send writings on a regular basis. As a researcher, I get numerous invitations from various journals every day to submit my articles, research papers and book reviews. Checking email one day. Suddenly an email caught my eye. Ms Fathima Sarah from Centre for Peace and Spirituality, Bengaluru was impressed by my writing and emailed me expressing her interest in gifting me some books by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. There is no better gift for an author than the gift of a book. I was very pleased when I received the email. She sent some copies of books Quranic Wisdom, Leading A Spiritual Life, an English translation of the Quran by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan and a copy of a magazine Spirit of Islam published by Centre for Peace and Spirituality. Getting the gift was very difficult because of the long distance invloved. Ms Fathima Sarah proved very helpful throughout the journey. A month and a half later than the expected time, I brought the parcel from the nearest post office. Seeing that it did not arrive on time, we were very worried about whether the parcel was lost.

I am a writer. I have already had the good fortune to read books by many well-known authors. My main style of writing is to do extensive research on wisdom, spiritual matters and express it in my own language. My first book ‘Shongshoy Dur Huk’ published from Bangladesh is also written in response to various questions about Quran, the spiritual world, and wisdom etc . It is very good to know that Maulana Wahiduddin Khan used to think deeply about these aspects and highlighted them in his writings. His book is well written in that several topics are introduced at the beginning of the discussion by referring to various historical events described in the Quran. The explanations given in the book are also excellent. I encourage everyone to read his writings. I hope the readers will benefit from reading his writings.

You may download the book Quranic Wisdom for free by clicking on this link:

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