How Does Fear of God Help?

Fear of God is the source of wisdom. Fear of God motivates a person to speak the right word, and not say anything wrong. It is necessary for a person to have a compulsion before him. To do the right work and to say the right word, a compulsion is required, something that compels one to speak the truth. The greatest compulsion is that a person will have to stand before God Almighty. There is no compulsion greater than that. When a person stands before God Almighty, it won't be possible for him to speak other than the truth.

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Hazrat Abdullah ibn Masud said: رَأْسُ الْحِكْمَةِ مَخَافَةُ اللهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ (Shuabul Iman, al-Bayhaqi 729) Fear of God is the source of wisdom. Fear of God motivates a person to speak the right word, and not say anything wrong. It is necessary for a person to have a compulsion before him. To do the right work and to say the right word, a compulsion is required, something that compels one to speak the truth. The greatest compulsion is that a person will have to stand before God Almighty. There is no compulsion greater than that. When a person stands before God Almighty, it won't be possible for him to speak other than the truth. Because God knows the state of one's heart. God knows the truth. God knows everything. This belief creates a compulsion for a person. It's about being accountable to God Almighty. The Quran says: يَوْمَ يَقُومُ النَّاسُ لِرَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (83.6) This belief creates a compulsion. This is why, fear of God is the source of wisdom. It creates a compulsion within, which forces a person to speak the truth, to not manipulate or change one's words. This is wisdom. This is intelligence. This is the truth.

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