What is Taqwa and Sabr

Every person who is born, rich or poor, literate or illiterate, for everyone God has written down the best future. How will you achieve this great future? There is a price for it. The price is to pass your test. What is this test? It is to be patient over whatever happens and place it in God's hands.

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What are taqwa and sabr? Taqwa means whenever you face difficulty and setbacks in life, as Prophet Yusuf faced, you must not seek revenge nor should you be angry. Prophet Yusuf remained patient. Being patient, he put his trust in God. This method has been mentioned in a verse in the Quran:إِنَّمَا أَشْكُو بَثِّي وَحُزْنِي إِلَى اللَّهِ : I only complain of my anguish and my sorrow to God. (12.86)

You should have the courage and high thinking to put your trust in God regarding the matter you face. When can you do this? Only if you are patient. If you are not patient, you can't trust God in the situation you face. The situations you face are for your good. They are not meant to harm you. God sees everything. God has destined a great future for everyone. Every person who is born, rich or poor, literate or illiterate, for everyone God has written down the best future. How will you achieve this great future? There is a price for it. The price is to pass your test. What is this test? It is to be patient over whatever happens and place it in God's hands.

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