A Believer Sees with the Light of God

A person who sees things with God's eyes develops a conquering personality. Who can conquer or overpower God? No one has the power to conquer God. The same quality develops in a believer when he truly discovers God and surrenders before God. Such a person develops a divine light. He becomes an unconquering personality. How does this happen? In one word, this happens due to positive thinking. A believer does not have the psychology of reaction.

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The Prophet said: اتقوا فراسة المؤمن فانه ينظر بنور الله (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 3127) "Beware of the wisdom of a believer, for he sees with the light of God."  Save yourself from the wisdom of a true believer, for he sees with the eyes of God. A person who sees things with God's eyes develops a conquering personality. Who can conquer or overpower God? No one has the power to conquer God. The same quality develops in a believer when he truly discovers God and surrenders before God. Such a person develops a divine light. He becomes an unconquering personality.

How does this happen? In one word, this happens due to positive thinking. A believer does not have the psychology of reaction.

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