Change Brings Opportunity
DR. Michael Hart has referred to Prophet Muhammed as the “supremely successful” person in history. Though this has been said, the Prophet’s personality was not that of a hero, but of a guide, which is why the Quran has mentioned the life of the Prophet as an example for mankind to follow. In this respect it will be right to say that the Prophet, in the example of his life, has given to the people of all times the secret of supreme success. On one hand, the Prophet was a supremely successful person and on the other, the life of the Prophet provides a supreme model for success in life. Here, below are presented two events from his life that we can emulate to achieve success in life.
Changing the Place of Activity
Amongst the Sunnath of the Prophet, there is one that can be called ‘Changing the Place of Activity’. In Makkah, the conditions for the Prophet had become very severe; so much so, the opponents of the Prophet had begun plotting to kill him. In such a situation, the Prophet did not adopt a method of hostility or aggression but instead left Makkah and migrated to Madinah. This policy of the Prophet is known as Hijrath.
The life of the Prophet provides a supreme model for success in life.
Hijrath is not simply a matter of forsaking one's homeland; rather it was a strategic decision of the Prophet that can be termed as 'Changing the Place of Activity'. When the Prophet found that Makkah was unfavourable for his work he made Madinah his place of activity so that he could continue his mission fruitfully.
From this example we get the principle of action that must be followed if in a certain place we are facing continuous obstacles in pursuing our work peacefully. The desired course of action is not to remain at the same place, while pursuing an escalating and disastrous conflict to death and destruction. Instead, the desire should be to search out an alternative and conducive atmosphere and location where one can continue one's work progressively and in more peaceful conditions.
This decision on one hand will guarantee redemption where one’s endeavours will continue unhindered; and, on the other, holds the potential that one can find a greater field of work with more opportunities than before. The Hijrath of the Prophet of Islam was a decision that held the promise of expansion and development. The Hadith also indicates this potential in the words: ‘I have been instructed to migrate to a place which will consume other places’ (Bukhari). Here, ‘consuming other places’ is used in the sense of expansion. The incident that the people of Makkah viewed as one where the Prophet escaped from his place was transformed by the Prophet into one that would unleash an expansion of his mission on an astounding scale.
Changing the Field of Activity
Another Sunnath of the Prophet is Islam could be termed as ‘Changing the Field of Activity’. Although the Prophet of Islam had migrated from Makkah to Madinah, the leaders of the Quraysh in Makkah were still not reticent. They continued their aggression against the Prophet resulting in several battles between the two sides but these battles were inconclusive and there was nothing resolved.
After this the Prophet of Islam negotiated a treaty with the people of Makkah that is known as the Treaty of Hudaibiya. This was essentially a ten-year peace treaty between the two sides. Through this treaty, the Prophet of Islam had changed the field of conflict. Until now, the field of confrontation between the two sides was the battlefield where both the sides faced huge losses in spite of the promise of victory. After this peace treaty, the field of confrontation between the two sides was replaced by the ideological field.
Discussions and ideological exchanges began between the two sides. As a result of these peaceful exchanges, the ideology of Islam emerged as a natural outcome. Impressed by the message of the Prophet of Islam, people flocked towards him in large numbers and soon the number of the Prophet’s companions swelled to about 125,000. According to the above examples, the true Islamic approach is: If the achievement of objectives by one method or mode is ineffective then it should be changed. Another more conducive mode should be formulated and efforts renewed towards the attainment of the goals.