Recognise and Acknowledge Him

IN the tennis Grand Slam final held at Wimbledon on July 6, 2014, Serbia’s Novak Djokovic defeated Switzerland's Roger Federer. After his victory in the four-hour long match, Djokovic said: “He (Federer) is a magnificent champion, a magnificent role model. Thank you for letting me win today.”

When someone achieves great success, he always gives credit for it to himself, his parents, friends or someone else. However, this is a totally wrong attribution. In fact, it is God Almighty who has created the successful person, and it is God alone who provided all the necessary infrastructure for the person to play his requisite role. All assistance and support supplied to him for his success was directly given to him by the Creator. Other than God no one has any power at all to bestow these favours upon a person. It is strange that every man and woman are so unaware of this fact and they fail to give the credit of all these blessing to their Creator. This is no doubt the greatest blunder of mankind.

It is God Almighty who has created the successful person, and it is God alone who provided all the necessary infrastructure for the person to play his requisite role.

Any blessing or success that comes to a man or woman is a test for him or her. If a person gives the credit to the Creator, then he passes his test. But, if he gives the credit to someone other than the Creator he fails in the test.

However, this state of affairs will continue only until Doomsday. On Doomsday the veil will be lifted up from everything, and truth will become so obvious that the blind will also be able to recognize it. That day failures will have punishment awaiting for them and those who pass the test will be rewarded. This is the reason why the Quran refers to this day as the “Day of Loss and Gain” (THE QURAN 64: 9).

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