Save Yourself

WHAT is adjustment? Adjustment means living with a calm and balanced mind in an unwanted situation. Adjustment is a way of life. Adjustment appears to be a behaviour that you adopt towards someone else, but in fact it is for your own self.

The problem is that according to the creation plan of God, our world is a world of differences. Every human being is either Mr. Different or Ms. Different. Also, everyone has the freedom of choice to behave in whichever way they want. In such a situation, every human being is compelled to live in a jungle of differences. You cannot change this creation plan. Then, what is the right conduct or action in such circumstances?

The only realistic option for you is to adjust with other people. Here, adjustment means not to react, not to try to change others, not to become negative, not to take the situation as an obstacle, but to manage it smoothly.

Adjustment means living with a normal mind in an unwanted situation.

In every situation you have two options either to adjust with others or to opt for the principle of not adjusting. If you opt for the principle of non-adjustment, then it will only enhance your problems. You will live in tension, with a disturbed mind and will waste your time and energy. But, if you opt for adjustment, then you will be able to instantly free up your mind. You will be able to save yourself from all kinds of negativity.

Adjustment gives you a chance to continue your journey but the policy of non-adjustment is bound to halt your life’s journey, either temporarily or in a permanent manner.

Adjustment is not a submissive attitude; rather it is an attitude of wisdom. It is the same principle which everyone follows when they are on the street. On the street, there is traffic coming from both sides. So, everyone opts for the keep-right or keep-left policy, in accordance with the traffic rules of their country. This is a way of adjustment on the roads. If you refuse to follow this traffic culture, you may well face a disastrous situation leading to harm or even death. Adjustment is based on the natural rule: ‘Save yourself’. When you are not in the position to change others, change yourself. It is this behaviour that is called adjustment.

Adjustment appears to be a behaviour that you adopt towards someone else, but in fact it is for your own self.

One of the teachings of the Quran is mentioned in these words: As-sulh khair, that is, “Reconciliation is best” (THE QURAN 4: 128). Reconciliation is only another name for adjustment. This Quranic verse refers to a law of nature, according to which, reconciliation is the best way of life. When you face any kind of difference with the other party, do not adopt the way of confrontation, but, adopt the way of adjustment. This is best for you in terms of the results. By adopting this principle, you will reach your goal without any delay. Be practical: do not waste your time and energy. Adopt the way of adjustment and ensure success.

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