Intelligent Design
SCIENCE is the study of nature. By nature is meant all those things that are to be found in the Universe. The study of Science began with basic observations in nature, but as it progressed it soon became obvious that these observations of nature demonstrated a greater purpose and meaning in the Universe. Any other understanding of the Universe that does not acknowledge its meaningfulness cannot measure up to the standards of scientific study.
For example through scientific study it has been established that there is intelligent design in the Universe. Now, if it is not accepted that the Universe has an ‘intelligent designer’ then this uniqueness of the Universe cannot be comprehended.
Discovery of meaning in the Universe is equivalent to the discovery of meaning and purpose in the Creator.
In the same manner, the study of science has shown that our Universe is a custom-made Universe. That is, it is perfectly suited to the demands of mankind. It appears to have been designed to support life. It is exceptionally favourable to the requirements of humanity to survive and flourish. Now, if we do not accept such a Creator who has established this consonance between the two different things—humanity and the Universe—then there can be no satisfactory explanation to this fact. In the same manner, in the different branches of scientific study, various different observations of nature in the universe show concordance and harmony between each other. There appears to be an extraordinary amount of fine tuning between them and this mind-boggling fact cannot be explained without acknowledging the Creator.
Science is not a religious subject. The discovery of the Creator is not its subject matter. The subject of Science is the discovery of the creation in the Universe. But the Creator is not separate from His creation. That is why the study of creation practically became the study of the Creator.
The things that scientific study has discovered have become the expression of God and these have been mentioned in the Quran as signs of God. In this respect, it would be right to say that the discovery of meaning in the Universe is equivalent to the discovery of meaning and purpose in the Creator.