In Search of Truth
ARYAN religions are based on the concept of Monism according to which God has no form. He is a formless God. He has no independent being. All visible phenomena in this world are reflections of this existence-less God. In actual fact, this is a philosophic concept. Generally speaking philosophers believe in a God in this sense using the words 'spirit' and 'idea' for God. This philosophic concept became a part of Aryan religions as a matter of faith.
The Universe displays extraordinary design; and design can only be the creation of an ‘intelligent mind’ rather than the creation of a formless spirit.
This existence-less concept of God is founded on a baseless speculation. In fact, it has no basis in logic and argument. As a primary argument, the created universe we experience, is a form in the full sense. It would be quite illogical to say that the God who is simply a spirit or an idea; who has no existence of His own was able to create a vast world full of all kinds of forms. God can only be one who has the power to create. And a spirit or an idea can have no such power to create. Therefore, prima facie, the notion of an existence-less God stands rejected.
The world as discovered by science is composed of atoms. Referring to this discovery, it is said that the study of science proves the oneness in the universe, that is, uniformity amidst exception in material things. But this argument is not right. There is certainly uniformity in the universe as regards its material elements. But the combination of these material elements displays extraordinary design; and design can only be the creation of an ‘intelligent mind’ rather than the creation of a formless spirit.