Two Worlds

It is said that there are two worlds: a positive world, and a negative world. Just as without a positive particle and a negative particle an atom cannot exist, for the existence of one world, the second world is also necessary.

We live in a world that we see and feel with our physical senses. This is the world in which we spend our entire present life. We spend 24 hours a day every day of our life here, witnessing different scenes and performing different activities.

In addition to this world, we have an idea or concept of another world in our minds—a world which, in comparison to the present one, is perfect, where all our desires will be completely fulfilled. A human being is by birth a perfectionist. In line with this, he seeks to obtain an ideal world of his dreams. But he fails in this search ultimately and dies.

In this way, it can be said that in every person’s mind there are two worlds. The first is the world in which he presently lives, here on Planet Earth. The second world is the ideal world of his hopes and dreams, which he seeks to obtain while in this world itself but fails to and then dies.

This aspect of a human being’s mind is an indication of the fact that there are indeed two worlds—the first being the world where we are at present, and the second being the world that we may obtain in the future, after death.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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