Life Beyond Life

Does a person remain alive after death? The answer is ‘Yes’. Death isn’t the end of life for anyone, because every person’s life is eternal. Death only means that a person comes out of one stage of life and enters another stage.

A person’s body consists of innumerable tiny cells. These cells are continuously decomposing and dying out, and new cells keep taking their place. This process goes on uninterruptedly, till all the cells of the body are replaced in this way. It is as if even before what is thought of as his death, a person’s body keeps dying. We see that despite this process, a person’s memory generally remains intact. How is it that when a person’s physical body is repeatedly experiencing ‘death’ through the continuous decaying of cells, his memory remains intact? If we were simply a collection of the cells of our body, our memory should have vanished. But our memory remaining intact despite the continuous death of the cells of our body is proof of the fact that our real being is distinct from our body and beyond it, that it is a separate being by itself and that it remains intact despite the death of the body.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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