The Real Destination
Every individual seeks a secure world for himself. But all sorts of accidents and tragedies—man-made and natural—constantly intervene to remind him that we live in an unsure and insecure world.
An individual wants a life in this world that never ceases. But the event of death reminds him that he has got only a very limited period of time to live on Earth.
Every individual searches for ideal happiness, but different types of difficulties convey to him that here, in this world, he can only get that sort of happiness that is less than the ideal of his dreams.
A human being has enormous abilities, but most people use just a very small fraction of their potentials and leave the world.
Why is this so? The answer to this is present in the way a human being has been fashioned. In contrast to animals, who live only in the awareness of the present moment, man has a concept of tomorrow. On Earth, man is the only creature who has a concept of the future. It is this that is Nature’s answer to the above question. And the answer is this—that the ideal that man is searching for right now—in this present world, in the phase of life before death—is actually present only in the Hereafter, in the phase of life after death. This is in line with the Creator’s creation plan.
According to God’s creation plan, a human being’s life has two parts: one, the pre-death period, and the other, the post-death period. The ideal world that a person desires has been kept in the post-death period of his life. The status of the pre-death period of his life is that of a testing-ground or selection- ground. Only someone who in the pre-death period proves himself to be suitably qualified will be declared to be eligible to be settled in the ideal world called Paradise in the post-death period.
Events like natural disasters that occur every now and then serve as a warning—to tell us that it is simply impossible to make Heaven on earth, to build Paradise here. Although Planet Earth is very beautiful, it is also very vulnerable. Here, there are so many limitations that it simply cannot become the abode of Paradise. Earth is only a preliminary introduction to Paradise, not Paradise itself. For Paradise, another world is required, a world that is unlimited and that is free of every sort of fear. Paradise requires a perfect world in every sense, whereas the present world is in every sense less than perfect. A perfect Paradise cannot be built in an imperfect world.
By nature, a human being is a seeker of Paradise. But this Paradise cannot be had in this world. It can be had only in the post-death phase of one’s life. Those who know this fact and lead a Hereafter-oriented life can, with God’s grace, enter that Paradise after death. And as for those whose only concern is enjoyment in the world of today, there can be nothing in store for them after death but abject failure.