The Thought of Death: A Masterstroke

Death compulsorily comes to every person who takes birth on this planet. For many people, the most terrifying aspect of death is that it is not possible to return after death to this world. After death, one has to live in a new, eternal, world. After death, there is only the facing of the consequences of one’s actions performed while on Earth.

A human being is a very sensitive creature. He cannot tolerate any hardship, no matter how minor. Given this, we need to ask ourselves this question: If we are to live in very harsh conditions after death, how will we tolerate it? If we seriously ponder on this issue, we will experience a veritable revolution in our lives.

In the Quran (35:34) it is said that when the people of Paradise enter Paradise they will say: “Praise be to God who has taken away all sorrow from us. Our Lord is forgiving and appreciative.”

A life of pain is most intolerable for a person. Conversely, a life free of pain is the most desirable sort of life for him. If we reflect on this issue seriously, death will become our greatest concern.

The thought of death can work as a masterstroke for a person. In the game of caroms, a masterstroke is a stroke that shifts all the coins on the carom-board from their place. In the same way, consciousness of death can completely shake us out of our complacency. It can transform our way of life totally. It can make us a completely new person.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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