The World of Paradise

The dwellers of Paradise will receive the indescribable blessing of Eternal Paradise through the mercy of God.

Human history began with a man and a woman and following a continuous birth and death process, countless people have come to this world. For thousands of years, this chain has been established from generation to generation. In the first quarter of the 21st century, the number of human beings on the entire planet has exceeded seven billion. Those who have died before then did not perish but are still alive. They will be raised in the Hereafter.

Human history has a beginning as well as an end. The end of human history will be followed by another world—a flawless one in the fullest sense. This world will be inhabited by the selected people from all over human history. In a similar vein, the Quran tells us that, “My righteous servants shall inherit the earth.” (21:105)

We find the same message in previous divine books revealed to the prophets. In the Bible, we find these words, “Depart from evil, and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever. For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed; the offspring of the wicked will perish. The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.” (Psalm, 37: 27-29)

A number of verses in the Quran tell us about the ideal environment in Paradise and the availability of everything in very superior quality in abundance. For instance, the Quran says, “Wherever you look, you will see bliss and a great kingdom” (76:20). Extraordinary and most refined arrangements for the inhabitants of Paradise are mentioned in this verse, “The blessings, and the great kingdom”. ‘Blessings’ here refers to all kinds of blessings. Anything one would desire will be available there in the ultimate or most perfect form. ‘The great kingdom’ refers to complete freedom, that is, having all the opportunity to live a life free from all restrictions. This special privilege of absolute freedom will be bestowed, in the Hereafter, upon those who made proper use of their freedom in this world.

Chapter 3 of the Quran tells us about the vastness of Paradise: “And vie with one another for your Lord’s forgiveness and for a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, which has been prepared for the God-fearing” (3:133). There is another verse of the Quran in this regard, “’Praise be to God who has fulfilled His promise to us and made us the inheritors of this land, letting us settle in the Garden wherever we want.’ How excellent is the reward of those who labour!” (39:74)

The concept of the vastness of Paradise has become quite understandable in present times. Observations by modern telescopes have revealed that habitable planets exist in large numbers in the infinite universe. In fact, there are billions and billions of such planets within our galaxy, the Milky Way, alone.

With this new discovery, emerges a unique kind of thrilling concept of Paradise. It seems that Paradise is probably a universal archipelago of numerous green planets. All the islands are complete worlds in themselves, and at the same time they would be connected with one another by a very high level of communication network. Every person in Paradise would have a permanent world to live in while at the same time he would be connected with other people of Paradise every moment. They would enjoy God’s abundant blessings and complete freedom in Paradise. Along with it, Paradise would be like a cosmic society consisting of ideal human beings, who will have perfect fulfillment therein.

The dwellers of Paradise will receive the indescribable blessing of Eternal Paradise through the mercy of God. Although they would receive these blessings through God’s mercy alone, God would announce, “This is the garden which you will inherit by virtue of your past deeds” (43:72) only to honour the people of Paradise.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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