A Law of Nature

The Muslims had enjoyed this leadership in the past, and after that, the Western people became their successors.

In actual fact, the Western people emerged as the supporters of the divine religion, but because of the psychology of reaction, contemporary Muslims failed to understand the divine plan. Unjustifiably and unnecessarily, they came to perceive the Western world as their enemies and adopted the path of violent confrontation with them. The two-hundred-year history of the 19th and 20th century was lost in this futile confrontation. Leadership is a must to continue this evolutionary journey of history. The Muslims had enjoyed this leadership in the past, and after that, the Western people became their successors.

When the Prophet’s companions entered Iran in the 7th century AD, Iran’s people became frightened of them. They exclaimed, “The giants have come, the giants have come (devan aamdand, devan aamdand)”. The Iranians took the entry of the companions of the Prophet of Islam in a negative sense, despite the fact that they were harbingers of a new civilisation. Rabi Ibn Amir, one of the companions of the Prophet of Islam, while talking to Rustm, the Iranian general, expressed, “God has sent us so that we may bring, to whom He wills, out of the bondage of the people to the worship of God.” (7/46) (Al Bidayah wa al-Nihaya Vol. 7, p. 46)

In the 7th century, the companions of the Prophet of Islam were the harbingers of a new age. It is a principle of nature that the group that emerges as the harbinger of a new age enjoys leadership in the world. Such leadership comes into being as an essential prerequisite of nature, rather than the result or outcome of any conspiracy or enmity.

Similarly, the Western people were the harbingers of a new civilisation in modern times. Therefore, it was natural that they achieved the position of leadership over their contemporary nations. The Muslims should have accepted their leadership as a natural phenomenon, just as the non-Muslim nations had earlier accepted the Muslim’s leadership. But the Muslims failed to understand this secret. They viewed Western civilisations as a case of enmity and conspiracy. Hence, they hated them and fought against them whenever they could muster enough strength. Although they waged this fight in the name of jihad, it was against the law of nature. This is the reason why they have completely failed despite making extraordinary sacrifices.

The onus of this failure is entirely on the Muslims themselves. The war which the Muslims waged against the West was, in fact, directed against the divine plan. That is why this war proved counterproductive, and the Muslims’ devastation increased manifold.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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