Individual and Society

In view of the Creator’s plan, it is not possible for an ideal system to be established at the level of the whole society in the present world

The thinkers and reformers who have gone down in history were idealists. They wanted to establish a utopian system at the level of the whole of humanity. Creating an ideal society was also the dream of Plato and Aristotle, the renowned ancient Greek philosophers. Bertrand Russel, the British philosopher, desired to create an ideal society for a peaceful world to come into existence. The goal of Mahatma Gandhi was also to create a service-based society in India, after independence. These were all ideal concepts of human life. However, they serve as a testimony to the fact that all such thinkers and reformers have practically failed to create the ideal world of their dreams.

The reason is that their own thinking guided these thinkers and reformers. They did not make any effort to understand the Creator’s scheme of things in this matter. They failed because their plan did not conform to the plan of the Creator. The freedom of choice granted by the Creator will never be revoked before the Day of Judgement. Hence, it is not possible to establish an ideal system at the level of humanity. However, ideal individuals can certainly be produced.

Events in history also support the above view that no ideal system has ever existed at the level of the whole of humanity in this world. In view of the Creator’s plan, it is not possible for an ideal system to be established at the level of the whole society in the present world. At the same time, ideal individuals have existed in every age.

These ideal people selected from the whole of human history will form the ideal society in the hereafter. It is this ultimate society which in religious terms, is known as Paradise.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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