Selection of Desired

In the first quarter of the 21st century, the number of
human beings on the entire planet has exceeded seven billion.

The creation plan of God is mentioned in the second chapter of the Quran. The translation of these verses is as follows: When your Lord said to the angels, ‘I am putting a successor on earth,’ they said, ‘Will You place someone there who will cause corruption on it and shed blood, while we glorify You with Your praise and extol Your holiness?’ [God] answered, ‘Surely, I know that which you do not know.’ He taught Adam all the names, then He set them before the angels and said, ‘Tell Me the names of these, if what you say be true.’ They said, ‘Glory be to You; we have no knowledge except whatever You have taught us. You are the All Knowing, the All Wise.’ (2:30-32)

The angels knew that all creatures were completely subject to God’s command, while man was being given freedom and settled on the earth. In such a situation, people would misuse their freedom and cause chaos and bloodshed in the land. At that time, God demonstrated to the angels that although a large number of human beings would become corrupt by abusing their freedom, but among such people, the righteous and law-abiding ones will also emerge. By God’s command, Adam introduced such virtuous and principled people to the angels whose minds were then put at rest.

The angels formed their opinion by looking at the whole of humanity and God made it clear, through a demonstration, that His objective of creation was the selection of individuals rather than the selection of a crowd. That is, although, there would be deterioration at the collective level, there would always be good people at the individual level. According to God’s creation plan, the present world is a selection ground. That is, selection of the desired individuals out of the whole of humanity. Therefore, the purpose of creation is not to create an ideal system on this planet, but it is to select those individuals, from every age and every race, who despite enjoying complete freedom, would commit themselves to the commands of God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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