Caliphate of Adam

The most cherished hobby of the people of Paradise would be to unfold the rest of the infinite ‘words of God’ to produce a superior and divine civilization.

According to chapter 2 of the Quran, when God created Adam, the first man, there were two other creatures already in existence: the jinn and the angels. God commanded the jinn and the angels to bow down to Adam. In obeyance to God’s commands, the angels immediately bowed down. But Iblis (Satan), the leader of the jinn, refused to do so.

Why did this happen? In actual fact, when God created the Earth, He gave its charge to the jinn who were created from fire. But they caused mischief therein, shedding blood and killing one another. Therefore, God created man and gave the charge of the Earth to them. The jinn did not accept this change for they believed that they were superior to men, being made out of fire, while man was made out of clay. That is why, Iblis, the chief of the jinn, refused to bow down to Adam.

Chapter 15 verse 27 of the Quran tells us that God created jinn before man. Man is, therefore, the successor (caliph) of the jinn on Earth. The literal meaning of ‘khalifa’ or ‘caliph’ is ‘one who takes another’s place’-a successor. Some have interpreted this verse to mean that man is God’s caliph on earth. However, this idea is, without doubt, unsubstantiated, having no basis in the Quran and Hadith.

From a study of the following verses, we can understand what is meant by placing a successor on earth. This is expressed in the Quran as such: “Tell them, ‘If the ocean became ink for writing the words of my Lord, surely the ocean would be exhausted before the words of my Lord came to an end-even if We were to add another ocean to it.’” (18:109)

“If all the trees on earth were pens, and the sea [were] ink, with seven [more] seas added to it, the words of God would not be exhausted: for, truly, God is Almighty and Wise.” (31:27)

The majesty of God is too great to be expressed in words. In spite of innumerable research, it has not become possible to obtain complete information about anything. This, in itself, is enough to prove that if all the trees of the world are chiseled into pens and all the seas become ink, it will still not suffice to record the innumerable feats of God.

These verses show that God wants these facts hidden in the universe to be discovered, explored and written down so that man may understand the majesty of God, and devote himself entirely to God with a greater degree of knowledge and wisdom.

According to God’s plan, the process of discovering and recording the words of God begins in the present world and continues endlessly in the Hereafter to scale new levels of its completion. The completion of this work at the initial level has produced the modern civilization which is another name for discovering the divine signs hidden in nature. This is the event which has been predicted in the Quran, “We shall show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth.” (41:53)

We find a secular expression of the words of God in the works of God. This has been predicted in a tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, “God will provide support to this religion by secular people.” (Sahih, al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 3062)

They have produced the modern civilization through extraordinary hard work. The present civilization is synonymous with the unfolding of the words of God.

The words of God are infinite and unlimited. Therefore, only a partial unfolding of this is possible in this world beset by limitations. That is why another unlimited world is required for the absolute and complete unfolding of the words of God. This vaster and limitless world is the world of the Hereafter (Akhirat). The selected people from the entire human history will be gathered in this eternal world of Paradise. In the most favourable circumstances, they will accomplish the humongous task of the further unfolding of the words of God.

This process will continue forever in the Hereafter, ultimately resulting in a superior and divine civilization. This infinite unfolding of the words of God is thus described in the Quran, “The earth will shine with the light of its Lord.” (39:69)

This first verse of the first chapter of the Quran reads, “All praise is due to God, the Lord of the Universe.” This is the initial stage of praise of God which is to be performed during the partial unfolding of the signs of God in the present world. Exactly the same words, “Praise be to God, the Lord of the Universe,” appears in chapter 39 verse 75 of the Quran.

The first chapter is a description of God’s praise which the inhabitants of this Earth have to express at the initial unfolding of God’s words in this world. Whereas chapter 39 describes the inhabitants of Paradise, who will utter the words of praise of God in the Hereafter at the time of the ultimate unfolding of God’s signs.

In the present world, man has been given all the things as per his needs (14:34). On the other hand, the inhabitants of Paradise will enjoy God’s blessings in the ultimate sense. All their desires will be fulfilled there as they will enjoy divine hospitality (41:31). The most cherished hobby of the people of Paradise would be to unfold the rest of the infinite ‘words of God’ to produce a superior and divine civilization. This work will last all eternity, and hence the journey of happiness of the inhabitants of Paradise will also be everlasting.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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