Take Problems as Challenge for Your Development

The creation plan of the Creator is that He has given a lot of potential to every human being. Turning this potential into actual is one's own task. God Almighty has given us potential. Turning it into actual is our own task. We can turn it into actual when we get shocks and face challenges or difficulties. Only then is the unfolding possible. If there are no shocks, no progress is possible.

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There will always be diversity in society. If there is no diversity, there will be no activity. Look at diversity as a challenge. If a person is arrogant, take that as a challenge. Looking at problems as challenges is right thinking. When there is diversity, there will be occasion for discussions. When there is no diversity, how will you discuss? When a person is arrogant, he challenges you. This gives you a chance for intellectual development. Differences, diversity and problems in the world are all challenges. When this is absent from the world, there will be no development. All kinds of progress produce challenges. This is true for both scientific progress and intellectual development. In this matter, we have to look at the creation plan of the Creator. The creation plan of the Creator is that He has given a lot of potential to every human being. Turning this potential into actual is one's own task. God Almighty has given us potential. Turning it into actual is our own task. We can turn it into actual when we get shocks and face challenges or difficulties. Only then is the unfolding possible. If there are no shocks, no progress is possible.

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