Faith Should be a Discovery

What is a discovery? A discovery is to understand something for the first time.  You have to prove to be the first discoverer of everything.  You have to prove yourself to be a person who has discovered things for the first time. When you make a discovery for the first time, you will be thrilled. A spirit awakens within you. It makes you deserving of Paradise.

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The Quran speaks about people who will enter Paradise: مِمَّا عَرَفُوا مِنَ الْحَقِّ (5.83) What is marifat, or realization of God? The literal meaning of marifat is realization or discovery of God.  It is this discovery that leads a person to Paradise. If you discover reality on your own, then you become deserving of Paradise. What is a discovery? A discovery is to understand something for the first time.  You have to prove to be the first discoverer of everything.  You have to prove yourself to be a person who has discovered things for the first time. When you make a discovery for the first time, you will be thrilled. A spirit awakens within you. It makes you deserving of Paradise. What does it mean to discover something for the first time?I will give you an example. This is a glass full of water. When I was at home, I picked up a glass filled with water. It slipped by chance and the water spilled all over the floor. If I hold this glass upside down, all its water will fall down. I then suddenly realized that the oceans are turned upside down. We are above the earth's surface, while the oceans are beneath the earth's surface. The Atlantic Oceans is beneath the earth's surface, while we are standing above the ground. The Atlantic Ocean is beneath us. Why does it not fall and spill over into space? I then discovered how infinite is God's power. I understood the meaning of the verse which describes God as the one who is upholding the heavens and the earth. (2.255) It is our belief that God is the one upholding the heavens and the earth. Qayyum is the one who upholds or sustains something. God's power is indeed unique. He controls and sustains the oceans, galaxies, solar system, stas and planets. If He didn’t do so, all would scatter into space. This is an example of a discovery. When you discover something for the first time, you get a thrill. Your faith is increased and this infuses you with a spirit that makes you deserving of Paradise.

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