Discovering of the Truth

When a person discovers the truth, their heart itself bears witness to its discovery. For example, if I didn't know the truth, I wouldn't have the courage to speak as I do. In this way, I criticise everyone and all of history. Who would have the courage to say this if they haven't found the truth? Who would dare to criticise the whole of history? So, when you discover the truth, your heart will confirm its discovery. First, become a true seeker, break free from conditioning to the utmost extent. Until this happens, you won't find the truth just because someone tells you about it. Truth is something a person discovers for themselves.

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I seek to find the true God. What do I need to do for this? Which path will lead me to peace both in this world and after death? Start by becoming a true seeker. This is one of the most challenging tasks. People live in various forms of conditioning, which prevents them from becoming true seekers. (من جد وجد) Someone who truly becomes a seeker will certainly discover the truth. If you haven't found it, then understand that you haven't become a true seeker yet. When a person discovers the truth, their heart itself bears witness to its discovery. For example, if I didn't know the truth, I wouldn't have the courage to speak as I do. In this way, I criticise everyone and all of history. Who would have the courage to say this if they haven't found the truth? Who would dare to criticise the whole of history? So, when you discover the truth, your heart will confirm its discovery. First, become a true seeker, break free from conditioning to the utmost extent. Until this happens, you won't find the truth just because someone tells you about it. Truth is something a person discovers for themselves. You don't find the truth by being told by someone else.

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