The Frontier Post, a Pakistan Daily, reproduced an article from a Western magazine in its January 1987 edition, featuring a picture of Adam and Eve. This caused a furious reaction, as a group of approximately one and a half thousand Muslims surrounded the newspaper building and set it on fire along with all its equipment.

Similar incidents occur in various countries where Muslims have the freedom to act. However, regrettably, they employ this freedom to engage in destructive activities, which they label as ‘Islamic Jihad’. Such acts are unquestionably unIslamic. They do not represent jihad but rather a rebellion or defiance considered the gravest crime in the eyes of God Almighty.

Holds No Place in Islam

When discussing these incidents, it is often mentioned that disrespectful actions towards the Prophet hurt the sentiments of Muslims. However, Muslims need to understand that having one’s sentiments hurt is not a valid justification for seeking revenge. Such acts are not punishable offences according to Islamic law (Shariah). Therefore, resorting to killing or destroying someone’s property in the name of Shariah is an act of rebellion. It amounts to adding to the penal laws of Islam ordained by God for which no one has the right.

According to Shariah, Muslims are only permitted to convey the divine message to others while patiently handling all kinds of provocations. Engaging in anything else would be considered a crime rather than fulfilling Islamic obligations.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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