True Action and True Prayer

After spending a short time on earth, everyone born into this world is going to die. Subsequently, all men and women shall have to appear before God. Then God will decide upon everyone’s eternal future, which will be either Paradise or Hell.

Salvation will be attainable by those who have pleased God by living their lives in a principled way, having engaged in right action and true prayer. The criterion of right action is that it is performed purely for the sake of God. And the criterion of true prayer is that it is said with the consciousness of being totally helpless.

Spiritually ennobled are those whose lives are graced by righteousness. The same can be said of those who can rid themselves of hypocrisy and never have double standards. The deeds of those who can save themselves from being morally weak are a reflection of their entire personalities. Their good conduct stems from right thinking. There is no discrepancy between intention and action. Moreover, those who have developed their consciousness to such a degree that, vis-à-vis the total power of God they acknowledge their state of helplessness, are granted the blessings of true prayer.

The truth is that true prayer and right action are not separate from each other. Good deeds are closely linked with true prayer. Psychologically, no distinction can be made between true prayer and right action.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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