
Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi (d. 1977) interpreted this verse of the Quran (2:152) “So remember Me, I will remember you,” as follows:

“Abu Bakr Jassas Raazi (d. 370) took the meaning of “remembrance” as signs of God and thinking about God’s majesty and power. And he regarded this form of worship as superior to other types of remembrance (such as saying God’s name while counting the beads on the rosary).” (Ahkamul Quran, vol. 1, p. 114)

The reality is that, remembrance does not mean verbal repetition of God’s name. Remembrance means contemplation on God’s creation to discover God’s greatness through the wisdom and perfection of His works. This is remembrance, and through it, one can achieve a higher level of realization of God.

It is a fact that we cannot observe God’s Being, yet, we can definitely see glimpses of God in His creation. This contemplation on God’s creation is another name for remembrance of God, and through it one is able to achieve that high level of firm faith which is called realization of God. Remembrance of God or divine realization is the most desirable thing, which is achieved through contemplation and deep thinking.

This remembrance of God is what is most desired of a human being. Therefore, the Quran adjures us to remember God very frequently (33:41).

Wahiduddin Khan

January 20, 2021
New Delhi

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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