The Importance of the Study of
the Quran

Abdullah ibn Abbas, a senior Companion of the Prophet, once observed that one who recited the Quran would never become decrepit in his old age. (Mustadrak al-Hakim, Athar No. 3952) Here, reciting the Quran means making a study of the Quran. One who makes a thorough study of the Quran will continue deriving intellectual food from it, and in this way he will continue to have his energy boosted. As a result, he will not become decrepit in his old age. His mind will forever be active. His body may age but his mind will not. Research tells us that there is a difference between mind and body. Purely physiologically, our body grows old, but our brain does not. If one saves oneself from negative thinking and becomes a positive thinker in the full sense, his mind will never age. Anyone making a thorough study of the Quran will continue to receive intellectual food for creative thinking from the Quran on a daily basis. He will never suffer from intellectual starvation. His mind will always be active and full of creativity.

Just as material food gives energy to the body, in a similar way intellectual discoveries also are sources of energy. The most thrilling experience for a person is the experience of discovery. Those who study the Quran in depth continually have such experiences. It is this creative experience which acts as a deterrent to the brain becoming old and ineffective in old age.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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