Closeness to God in Every Situation

According to one of the traditions of the Prophet of Islam, “God offered to turn the whole valley of Makkah into gold for me. I said, ‘No, O My Lord! I rather want that one day I should have my fill and another day I should go hungry. And when I go hungry I entreat You and remember You and the day I have my fill, I praise You and am thankful to You.” (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 22190)

The truth is that states of faith relate to circumstances. In life, whenever any situation arises, it accordingly provides a believer with some “food” for his faith. All states of faith ensue from particular situations. Man has been placed in the present world in order to put him to the test, that is why all kinds of situations are faced by every man and woman. This happens so that it may be seen who has passed the test and who has not.

In this world, states of comfort and pain and pleasure are relative. Regardless of the state, what is actually important is whether those involved gave the desired response; whether the response they gave was positive or negative. So it is one’s response rather than that of the force of circumstances which is of significance. Once this reality is clear to people, their focus will be on the response to the coming situation, rather than on the comfort or the problems arising from it. That is, whether their response was one of gratitude or ingratitude, one of patience or impatience. An individual must introspect in every situation, rather than complain about external circumstances.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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