Phase of Paradise

The discovery of God should be so profound for us that our entire lives should come under divine influence in every respect so that we may become God-oriented people.

The following are some verses from chapter 18 of the Quran:

“Those who believe and do good works shall have the gardens of Paradise for their abode.”

“They shall forever dwell in the gardens of Paradise, desiring no change.”

“Tell them, ‘If the ocean became ink for writing the words of my Lord, surely the ocean would be exhausted before the words of my Lord came to an end—even if We were to add another ocean to it.’” (18:107-109)


There are four parts to these verses. In the first part, the reference to “those who believe and do good works” tells us that according to the creation plan of God, it is those who are favoured by God who can discover the Creator. This discovery should be so profound that their lives should come under divine influence in every respect. They may become God-oriented people in the complete sense. It is people such as those who will be held deserving, that is, of the greatest reward by God in the Hereafter.

The second part of these verses says: “They shall have the gardens of Paradise for their abode,” showing that God-oriented people will be allowed to settle eternally in the ideal world of Paradise.

According to the Lord’s scheme of things, the people of Paradise will lead a fully active life therein. This life will be free from all kinds of hardship and boredom. It will be a life of pleasurable activities. (36:55)

The third feature of this heavenly life will be that “they shall forever dwell in the garden of Paradise, desiring no change.” They will remain there eternally yet will never find their existence tedious. In the ultimate sense, they will remain forever engaged in enjoyable activities. These activities will never cease, nor will they be limited. Therefore, this joy and happiness of the people of Paradise will be quite unalloyed and eternal.

The fourth part of this Quranic statement is: “If the ocean became ink for writing the words of my Lord, surely the ocean will be exhausted before the words of my Lord came to an end—even if We were to add another ocean to it.” These words of the Quran tell us the highest degree to which the people of Paradise will remain engaged in an existence of total pleasure and happiness.

This activity amounts to discovering the word of God and remaining engaged in an unending journey of the higher realization of God.

What is most appealing to man is that his desires will be granted, and he will experience total fulfillment as regards the material requirements of life. All his demands will be met in Paradise in the ideal sense. The Quran is specific on this: “Therein you shall have all that your souls desire, and therein you shall have all that you ask for.” (41:31)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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