A Fallacy

The discoveries in modern science were the wonders of God. Nature is so well designed that it is inconceivable that it should have no designer.

The discoveries in modern science were, in fact, discoveries of the wonders of God. They amounted to an opening of a treasure house of the realization of the Creator. But because the Western scholars who worked in this field were all of a secular mind, their discoveries, in effect, came to support secular theories and ideas instead of providing academic support for the realization of God. However, this secularization of science was nothing but a fallacy.

For instance, a Western thinker writes of the discoveries in modern science that reveal that a law of causation governs nature and that if events are the results of natural causes, they are not supernatural.

But this is a fallacy. The law of nature is not an explanation in itself; it needs an explanation. This being so, it would be more appropriate to say: “If laws control events, then there must be a controller of laws.”

Albert Einstein (d. 1955), the world-famous German scientist, studied the system of nature and found that it had a significant design. In this way, he almost reached the door of realization (of God) but did not accept it, so he said: “The most incomprehensible part of nature is that it is comprehensible.”

This is indeed a fallacious statement. When Einstein saw great meaningfulness in nature, he should have instead said: “Nature is so well designed that it is inconceivable that it should have no designer.”

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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