Man-Centred Plan

The creation plan of God is man-centered. The entire system of the earth and the heavens has been created to fulfill human requirements to serve this purpose.

The creation plan of God is man-centered. This is expressed thus in the Quran: “He has subjected whatever is in heaven and on the earth to you; it is all from Him” (45:13). That is, the entire system of the earth and the heavens has been created to fulfill human requirements. Everything, directly or indirectly, is linked to some need or the other of man. In the seventh century AD, when the Quran was revealed, this was nothing but a creed, but this has proved to be a scientific fact in the twenty-first century. The latest scientific research has shown that the universe is “custom-made” and has been wholly created to suit human requirements.

God sent His messengers in every age to make man aware of the creation plan designed for him. But these messengers were human beings just like any other human being, and that was why their contemporaries failed to recognize them as God’s messengers, ridiculing them (36:30) and refusing to accept them. Therefore, for the mission, external support is always required: that is why the prophets were provided with this support in the shape of miracles.

The Final Prophet, Muhammad, was not given any tangible miracle to perform. (Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith No. 4981) But, as laid down in the special divine plan, he was given a powerful team of competent men to support him in his mission. It was with this support that the Prophet of Islam was able to carry out his historic mission. The members of this team, known as the Companions of the Prophet, sprang from a desert culture. It was this desert culture, which was the mainstay of the Prophet, unlike the miracles which had been given to previous prophets to support them.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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