The correct way to write human history is to understand the creation plan of God and then record everything accordingly within this framework.

In the writing of history, historians have traditionally chosen to formalize their work within the frameworks of empires and dynasties, e.g., the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Tsars of Russia, the empires of the Romans and the Sassanids, and the empires of the West. The Muslim civilization has also been called an empire.

However, there is a better and more meaningful framework within which to write history: to record historical work based on the creation plan of God.

All those happenings held to be important by historians are purely relative facts of history. Therefore, the correct way to write human history is to understand the creation plan of God and then record everything accordingly within this framework.

There are four phases of human history.

  1. The period of the prophets extends from the coming of the first man, Adam, who was also the first prophet, to Muhammad, the final Prophet (may peace be upon them all).
  2. The period of the Companions of the Prophet of Islam.
  3. The period of al-Ikhwan, that is, those people called the brothers of the Prophet in the Tradition.
  4. The period of the righteous people. This age will begin after the Day of Judgement in the Hereafter.

God has created man as an independent being. But unfortunately, while many human beings have made proper use of their freedom, many have misused it. History is, thus, advancing through a series of vicissitudes.

God directs the course of this history while maintaining human freedom, and He will ultimately bring the world to an end on Doomsday. Subsequently, in God’s eyes, those who made proper use of the freedom granted to them will be set apart from those who made wrongful use of their freedom. This truth is thus expressed in the Bible: “The descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.” (Psalms, 37:38)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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